This is a Frida Kahlo inspired picture. Frida liked to paint pictures of her parrot. We learned about Frida in art class and we did this art project.
This is a picture of me in my dream career as a rock star singing for my own band, The Love Birds. I’m on stage and up there is a big pink star that says, “Love Birds” and on four sides there’s confetti shooting out of little stems. There are disco balls that have almost every color of the rainbow.
Age: 8
Requested by: Rachel Hite
This is my version of the Mona Lisa. I call it the “Marion” Lisa. Instead of having a close-up, I put it so that you can see the full body. She has small green streaks in her hair and some nice red high heel shoes. In the background I put a little green blob as an abstract background.
Age: 8
Requested by: David Towle
This is a picture of a happy rainbow. The rainbow itself has a nice little smiley-face, and each of the little clouds has a smiley-face too. I think this rainbow is very cute. It has all the colors of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.
Age: 8
Requested by: Kendall McCluney
This is a picture of my school, the Dandy Dalmatian school, Downtown School, or DTS. It has a picture of our school mascot, the dalmatian and pictures of all the buildings. We have three buildings. The tallest one is 6th through 8th. The medium one is 2nd through 5th. The smallest one is pre-K through 1st. Our school colors are red, white, and black. We have a fire station right across from our school so sometimes we go on field trips there.
Age: 8
Requested by: Rachel Hite