The first picture shows my chocolate truffle cake that my mom and I made for my birthday. It’s pretty amazing that it puffed up like that because we didn’t add any flour. The second picture shows the Kindle Fire that my grandpa gave me for Christmas. The third picture shows my cousin Emily and Alex and my uncle and aunt Beth and Ángel when they were visiting my house. And the last picture shows my American Girl Doll bed that goes with the set for Julie the American Girl Doll but I’m going to use it for my look-alike doll even though it goes with Julie’s set.
Age: 8
Sounds like a lovely birthday celebration indeed, with lots of nice gifts. Thanks for sharing, Marion!
Thank you!I did get a lot of nice gifts for my birthday.I got a game called LABYRINTH from my parents,a gift card for my favorite store in the mall (called JUSTICE) also from my parents,a lot of money (I think some was from you XD),a dry erase travel board and knot bracelet kit from the Hibbetts,and books from grandma Sarah.