I turned eight on December 29th and drew this picture on January third. The day before my birthday my mom and I made a chocolate truffle cake and it’s pretty amazing because we didn’t use any flour, but it turned out to be just like any other regular cake and it tasted super-good when we ate it the night of my birthday. I got to open lots of presents and lots of cards. I got a little purse that came with a dry erase board and dry erase markers, Legos, a kit to make bracelets, and a game called Labyrinth. We haven’t had a party yet but I’m already planning for the party in the spring. I’m thinking it will probably be a slumber party or a costume party and I’m thinking it will be at my house where we usually have it or at a skating rink called Skate Land–not ice skating, it’s roller skating.
Age: 8
Happy birthday, Marion! Your art is always so imaginative and delightful to view – thanks for the new stuff!